St Augustine's Grammar School Old Boys
Visitors Book 2003

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My dear visitor, thank you for visiting, the virtual home of the Old Boys of their alma mata, St Augustine's Grammar School.
All friends of this great school are cordially invited to mark the occasion of their visit by appending their signature and comments to this esteemed visitors' book.
However, be assured that in the event of inappropriate entries, particularly from those who have no regard for this school, these will not be tolerated and the usual and full measures will be implemented including suspension.

Tried to use the message board but it appears to be an exclusive club!!

It's nearly Christmas so let's get festively seasonal!!

The Christmas Carol Concert was probably the most enjoyable part of the year for me at St Augustines. I don't think I felt that Xmas was really imminent until we took to the stage to blast out a rattling good set of carols.

My favourite part was during Good King Wenceslas when we would ensure that the correct emphasis was placed on the appropriate word during the line "...heat was in the very SOD" a phrase quite ironically directed at our esteemed Mr Jesset.

At this point can we please all spare a quiet minute for him.??

Right, that's enough.

Why did the orchestra always sound so crap??. 25 years on and I can say that I have never heard a group of musical instruments sound so much like caterwauling felines as did the Augustines string section.

Maybe it was the acoustics in the hall.

Martin Wilson <>
Dorset UK - 16 December 2003 at 00:03:03
speed cameras are a neccessity for safety.
It is a bone of contention here in Oz that they are purely 'revenue raisers".
Ok...that pisses people off as does the copper hiding in the bushes with his radar gun.
But, regardless, you break the law and get caught, bad luck.
Maybe the collected revenue should go to installing cameras everywhere, then everyone the Edingburgh to Aberdeen road........and the cops can come out from behind the bushes and do some real policing.

UK - 15 December 2003 at 09:39:58
I hate to cause trouble but...... those new cameras mentioned on the m*****e b***d do exist but they are actually for traffic flow monitoring purposes, nothing to do with speed traps etc. so, why not tell M. Harding to sod off? Go on, tell him to go and beat a suspect up or something!

(O.K. O.K. I admit it, I'm not averse to causing trouble and I don't even know Martin, bless his little contemperaneous notes but I kid ye not about the cameras.)

Herb Anmith <>
UK - 10 December 2003 at 23:19:37
Funny what you find when you type your name into a search engine... Cracking site and great to see some of the old names. Ohh how things of changed... I'll have to dig out some old school books now...
Allen Molloy <>
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire UK - 03 December 2003 at 01:19:38
Spikes promotion to Monsignor. If you served as a waiter to the high and mighty in the school canteen after the mass, how much Moet did you nick??? Who was there to see Watnall barf over the boss at the party in the 6th form common room? Send me your anecdotes.... Article about that strange day to follow. Replies to Cheers Phil Ryder.
Phil Ryder <>
UK - 16 October 2003 at 23:14:12
Vous Quelle!
aspiring former pupil
UK - 12 October 2003 at 11:18:51
Re Dave Creighton's question and his concerns as to whether he is related to Mr Creighton, French Teacher. Well Dave, ask yourself this question - "Are you a complete and utter twat?" If the answer is yes, then do not bother with expensive DNA tests and the like and simpley put Mr Creigton, French Teachr, on your Christmas Card list.
UK - 12 October 2003 at 09:56:00
Am I related to Mr Creighton French teacher?

I was born in Stepping Hill Hospital in 1952 and lived for 4 and a bit years in Belgrave Crescent,Woodsmoor.

Dave Creighton <>
Eastbourne, UK - 11 October 2003 at 23:06:04
From the 73 intake and still watching City!
Mark Bowden aka Bibby <>
UK - 11 September 2003 at 10:39:48
Well the automated post anti-robot protection thing is holding up well, what's next on the agenda Peter?
UK - 06 September 2003 at 11:06:29
Hey Nonny Nonny Mouse
UK - 05 September 2003 at 08:51:03
Just think - if you'd kept your gob shut, it could have been 11. What a loss your posting would have been though.
Hey Nonny Nonny Mouse
UK - 05 September 2003 at 08:50:05
Congratulations to the message board on, er......another 10 message free days. Hey, Nonny Mouse, I think you are on a loser, squeak now or forever hold your cheese
Disinterested Observer
UK - 04 September 2003 at 00:26:16
The school has turned into houses!!
I visit Mcr about 3 times a year

Whats happened to spike and gobbo

Kev McIvor <>
Cambridge, Cambs UK - 23 August 2003 at 15:47:03
Sorry Mr Pot!!
Mr kettle
UK - 21 August 2003 at 00:11:00
Support your website propper, he needs all the help he can get!
UK - 20 August 2003 at 19:57:00
I am thinking of setting up a website to recall the memories of the number of times the demise of the St Augs website has been predicted. Perhaps members would care to contribute. Alternatively they could contribute to the website proper, but that would never do.
Hey Nonny Mouse
UK - 20 August 2003 at 09:09:13
I'm thinking of setting up a website dedicated to the memory of the St Augustines website which looks as though it is becoming extinct.Don't believe me? Look at the message page,I've got nothing left to sneer at!! Incidentally, I was a friend of Robot Entries and feel he has been punished enough.
The ghost of 65 -70
UK - 20 August 2003 at 01:13:58
- 18 August 2003 at 02:15:32
I am trying to find a Tim Hulse that I worked with on a project called CenterPoint - I know Tim went to grammer school and university in Manchester.
L Hamilton <>
London, UK - 11 August 2003 at 09:09:02
excellent site but seems that the 76-80 intake is a little thin on the ground , with more familiar names cropping up on the "friends reunited" site. Much of it seems a million years ago but a few gentle reminders have brought back a lot of memories. Not many people can say they did a music O-level in the same class as jonny marr (I passed : he didn't)
rob millington <>
stockport, cheshire UK - 26 June 2003 at 20:46:15
From the moment I first heard Spike sing I have been crapping myself laughing at his voice.He had the the loudest most horrible voice I have ever heard. "The voice of a cat being strangled." (surpassed only by his organ playing!)

"It was that Webmaster father, he started it.... honest!!"

A music critic <excruciating noise>
UK - 19 June 2003 at 19:19:17
Just an email update.
Still have fond memories of my days at St.Augustine's.
Shame it's no longer there.
Hello to anyone that remembers me!
Does anyone remember Martin "Smelly" Howley and Mark "Ginger" Backhouse? Simon Hurley is another name I recall along with Dougal! "Cheesey" Loughman, Leo "Jewboy" Freeman to name but a few.
Great site, brings back lots of memories.

Chris Mazzitelli <>
Warrington, Cheshire UK - 18 May 2003 at 22:03:29
Found your excellent website purely by accident! Very interesting comments on the use of corporal punishment. I went to a very lowly secondary modern school in Surrey which doesn't come anywhere near the "great whacking schools" BUT corporal punishment was frequent and often harsh. It was the cane for us not the strap (except for summary classroom discipline which was "slipper") and (here you guys, I think, had a better deal) we were caned usually by the master whom we had upset or annoyed. You were sent to the office to collect "the cane and the book". You carried these back to the master (in fear and dread) who wrote the details formally into the book, including number of strokes, of course, and then had you bend over the desk for your caning(in front of all your mates). I married into a big catholic family and all my brothers in law (6 of them) were at schools (including Wimbledon College - Jesuit) who had the "docket" system and where you were punished by the duty master or the head.Much better. Just a note - if we were sent to the head for the cane we knew that we would have black and blue stripes across our rear for a week!!
Someone wrote on one of your pages about "these sadistic bastards who went and thought up humiliating punishments for boys" by 1970 - working in London - I was one such "sadistic bastard" - its really not like that - when corporal punishment is the norm - thats what you use. I was a weilder of the stick for 10 years and still think its a good way of meting out punishment. Its not therapy to make boys better - its just punishment for the "crime".
Thanks for the wonderful insite into your school life

John Collins <>
Sheffield, S.Yorks UK - 10 May 2003 at 18:35:50
Just visiting, drop me a line sometime.
Loz Coughtrey <>
Manchester, UK - 03 May 2003 at 19:56:30
I'd always avoided looking up these sites but recently saw the old school photo so had to have a look. Brings back many memories - mostly good!
Tom Gurrie <>
Manchester, UK - 02 May 2003 at 21:22:15
Nostalgic seeing some of the old names.Still see Tommy Moore(maths) at Wythenshawe cricket club.Very rarely see anyone else.Would be glad to hear from any other former antisocial layabout who knew me
Barny Beswick <>
Manchester, UK - 30 April 2003 at 19:54:47
Hi all, I am trying to trace an old friend of mine called Stephen Meehan. I see from the pages in this site that a Stephen Meehan attended this school. Does anyone know or remember Stephen well? If so, do you know if he lived in Rochdale, close to Hollingworth Lake? Thanks for you time. Steve.
Stephen Johnson <>
Reading, Berkshire UK - 03 March 2003 at 17:50:40
email update
anthony green <>
bolton UK - 01 March 2003 at 22:20:24
lousy gets 76 never invited me to any of your re unions only joking. brings back super memories.i think i still owe starkey for a mars bar bless him.cheers everyone hope to bump into some of you.
anthony green <>
bolton UK - 01 March 2003 at 22:17:25
Great job! I am impressed :-)
dsl boy <>
USA - 28 February 2003 at 12:27:35
Blue boy in Oz, I salute you.
Ex pupil (1965 - 70)
UK - 24 February 2003 at 23:52:26
work email may be stuffed due to server screw up at college so try if you are from '78 intake. Ta!
Martin Jennings <>
UK - 24 February 2003 at 20:35:54
as a "new boy" in '78 there seems to be a lack of names i recognise on the pupils side. do any of the '78 intake surf this site or am i alone in this pass time? get in touch if you were around then. does anyone remember "bomber Beeley" and his deep conversations on his retrievers belly button? Mmmmmm! what happened to the other music teacher Mr Collins? regards to you all, Martin
Martin Jennings <>
Manchester, UK - 24 February 2003 at 20:24:47
Sidewalks always win... Knees always lose! -Lucy
Gotta Love Peanuts <>
Spain - 24 February 2003 at 15:41:23
I've been enjoying the site for the last 12 months. Never felt like "joining in" though and still don't so won't use the message board. I have in the past forgiven a lot of things, including false memory syndromes like, "How we named Spike" (he had already been called this for years at St.Ambrose!)I can also live with the snobbery of highlighting former pupils who are deemed to have done well.You know who you are, Ophthalmic Consultant and Utility Soccer Player! However, I never thought I would read a piss taking reference to Munich from an ex pupil/Mancunian followed by an attempt at justification, disappointing or what? Then again, when you think of it, what man of the cloth would get drunk, drive his car, knock down an old lady and leave the scene? Personally, I blame the school!
Ex pupil (1965 - 70) <Strapped@firstweek.hatedspike/!>
UK - 22 February 2003 at 22:54:51
Class of 70 & 71 - started in 70 but got put down a year at end of 4th - bit like being a Blue (great year 2002). Yup, 1st year in hot pants - final year in mad house.
Loads of bad memories - who organised the walk out at Free Trade Hall cos I got blame though banned for life from them which was a an upside.
Occasionally still drink/drunk in chorlton.

John Darbyshire <>
manchester, UK - 07 February 2003 at 22:08:19
Apologies, but the reason I refered you to the TV site, was so that you could share some of my memories of some TV presentation of the 1960's and beyong, in return for sharing your experiences. You can either tap my name into the site search engine and come up with a list of articles, many with nostalgic value or go straight to my my profile page with links to articles.

Thanks for bearing with me, and I hope you get some pleasure in the same way I have enjoyed your own stories.

David Brockman <>
London, England UK - 03 February 2003 at 02:40:36
I stumbled accross this site by accident a few weeks ago. I was cross referenced from a site devoted to school uniform history that interested me, and there was a link from the page with a red/blue cap, pyjama blazer, striped tie etc, and so I took a peek.

I went to a Catholic school myself down south in London, started year 65. I must say that the stories on the sight, which is infectious (due to it being so good) were humorous, at times sad, descriptive, full of life and people were affected in different ways, mostly for the better by all acounts.

Thanks for the memories and allowing the likes of me an outsider to step in and learn something. I appreciated it. I am however also a giver and not just a taker, so anyobody who is interested in TV nostalgia is welcome to look at, a whole site devoted to the bits that go between programmes, such as for Manchester folk, all about the Granada logo, and the days of the old ITV Schools Clock - did you watch much school TV at St Augustines?

One thing, I remembered some of the TV dramas that an ex-student appeared in a lad called Gerry Sundquist. I was saddened to learn that his life came to a premature end. As a TV enthusiast I remember his work to this day in the 1970's.

There is one question I would like old boys to answer! In the ealrier days there was a school cap and some boys in 1965 and up to 1967 mention this. School caps were less popular in the mid 60's, but was the wearing of a school cap compulsory in the first form? Even beyond? Was there much enthusiasm for it. Our local Caolic grammar school, St Ignatious (I just failed the 11 plus so never made it) had grey courdery shorts and the cap as compulsory in 1965 and i was just trying to compere? What about grey shorts - were they much in vogue in 65 and 66 etc. My guess is that only a percentage went to St Augustines in shorts and this reduced as the year progressed. Any anwswers by e-mail direct or on this message page, welcome. Thanka again for the memories.

David Brockman <>
London, England UK - 03 February 2003 at 02:35:22
Yes- as I remember it, you were only sent to the green room for heinous crimes like dropping your ruler on the floor in Mr Morris' class (he added bitterly, after all these years...)
John Morgan-Evans
UK - 02 February 2003 at 22:29:01
it wasn't that bad, was it? c; .,
terence moroney <>
manchester, UK - 02 February 2003 at 18:39:29
Web,aster - I think Lisa needs to be taken to the Green Room for a spanking.

As a prefect I volunteer.

Calgary, Alberta canada - 27 January 2003 at 04:11:40
Greetings from Huston, TX. My name is Lisa. Let me thank you for such an informative site. I used it to compose cliff notes and free essays for my class. Your site is indeed a wonderful source for all my future term papers and research papers.
free essays
- 21 January 2003 at 03:54:54
Hello, great site, brought back lots of old memories, left St Augustines in Dec 1976 after second year? for Canada. I was a good friend of Paul Ryan who died in 1978? I think my home room was 1k & 2k. Still recall getting the strap by Mon. McGuinness across the back of the leg on more than one occassion. Also recall all of the Wood brothers, Christopher was in my class.
Chris Madden <tamarack@vi