St Augustine's Grammar School Old Boys
Visitors Book 2011-
My dear visitor, thank you for visiting, the virtual home of the Old Boys of their alma mata, St Augustine's Grammar School.
All friends of this great school are cordially invited to mark the occasion of their visit by
appending their signature and comments to this esteemed visitors' book.
However, be assured that in the event of inappropriate entries, particularly from those who have no regard for this school, these will not be tolerated and the usual and full measures will be implemented including suspension.
Great school.
Emma Murphy <>
UK - 11 March 2013 at 10:58:21
Enjoy himself I mean!
Mrs J
UK - 20 February 2013 at 21:32:54
Funnily enough so did my little boy!
Mrs Jessett <>
Boise, UK - 20 February 2013 at 21:31:38
My husband was very fond of his time at St Augustine's.
Sara Castrella <>
Greta, Vic AU - 20 February 2013 at 06:38:02
Nice.. i'd like to know more
Karl Fernandez <>
Miami, USA - 16 February 2013 at 20:01:08
Great site!!!
Elliot <>
SLC, USA - 14 February 2013 at 04:48:36
What a lovely site!
Reverend Bobby Teeles <>
Lodi, Nj USA - 12 February 2013 at 02:56:38
That was a little rude, wasn't it?
Felix Cramb <>
Saskatoon, SK Can - 04 February 2013 at 00:36:56
How's this for Synchronicity? At least 2 former staff members of the school are convicted felons. God knows how many pupils are. Maybe the next reunion should be held on C block landing, Strangeways Prison so that everyone can attend?
Peccavi <>
UK - 02 February 2013 at 22:07:08
Sounds really exciting. Pardon? About as exciting as a 40 year old class roll call. Mind you, they both probably deserve each other.
If they do get together and become the new Rolls Royce or Ken and Tucky I will of course apologise!
Nemini Confide <>
UK - 02 February 2013 at 14:50:04
Nice Site!
Hugh <>
UK - 01 February 2013 at 15:44:52
Sounds exciting. Please contact me via email. I do overseas business.
Ray Steele <>
St. Louis, MO USA - 31 January 2013 at 18:52:05
I am looking for business opportunities.
You can call me at (720) 298-8443.
Thank You.
Klaatu Nikto <>
Denver, USA - 31 January 2013 at 16:33:44
great site !
jen <>
UK - 27 January 2013 at 16:09:31
Love your site!
Lad Buster <>
UK - 27 January 2013 at 14:15:23
Great website remember the school well. Old pals please drop me a line
Gerry torpor <>
UK - 25 January 2013 at 23:11:57
Great, Site!
Doug Quaid <>
UK - 16 January 2013 at 15:19:58
Great school, love the site as well
Julio < >
New Zealand - 15 January 2013 at 20:53:34
Love this school.
Norman Dilbert <>
LA, Cal USA - 10 January 2013 at 12:25:41
Does anyone else remember Guestbook Guyman the Nigerian exchange student? I'm pretty sure he married his African Princess Ebai Scama and they now live with their three kids Wudu, Mugu and Fugu in relative obscurity, a little village just south of Wilmslow.
Api Nuyere <Quod me non caedit me roborat>
UK - 01 January 2013 at 20:37:08
Guestbook mugu mugu mugu guyman guyman guyman 2012 2012
Joe <>
Mugu, Mugu Mugu - 28 December 2012 at 05:13:51
Blackburn, Calnan, Chapman, Colum, Dean, Doherty, Dwyer, Eaton, Entwistle, Fay, Finn , Hardman, Heap, Howells, Joy, Lythgoe, McHugh, McKie, Maher, Matthews, Moroney, O'Hara, Tighe, Waldron, Walsh, Westall, Whelan, Williams, Woodward
Mike Chapman <>
Evesham, Worcestershire UK - 19 December 2012 at 20:18:46
PS. I missed out 'Bergin', sorry Mike.
Paul Tickle <>
UK - 12 November 2012 at 16:44:47
I couldn't reel off my form roll call
... but I'd know where to look!
Does this mean I am stupid or just making effective use of my dwindling memory resources?
Peter Fay
UK - 09 November 2012 at 21:42:45
Baker Bates Bibby Bridge Cawley Davies Doocey Edwards Faulkner Flanagan Gereghty Green Hartnett Healey Humphries Jeffries Kelly Maguire McWilliam Meehan Okane Rainford Riley Smith Swindells Tickle Ward Whatnall Wills Wood Wyche
Paul Tickle <>
UK - 09 November 2012 at 19:24:44
Salad Days.. Pass the sauce. Class of '68, a fine Cru'
Phil Ryder <>
manchester, lancs UK - 02 November 2012 at 14:17:09
body box brennan burke burns chadwick chapman clayton cochrane conway cunningham devoy doran duff fowell ginty greenall griffith hamnett harney haughey keeley magahan mc shane meek more mullen naughton o shea page stewart toal walsh woolf wright 1k 2q 3t 4w 5w seems to be a common Brennan link here!!!!
billyb <>
UK - 27 October 2012 at 23:37:20
Backler, Ball,Bennett,Beswick, Booth, Bowers Brennan, Cahill, Corcoran, Corless, Dinan, Farrell, Flanagan, Gleeson, Griffin, Hamilton, Harding, Hudson,Ibitson, Jeffries, Kearney, Kelly, Kenton, Long, Lowe, McNulty, Morgan,Pie, Riley, Smith and Walmsley, 1H, 2W, 3G, 4S and 5X. The class of all classes!
Barney Booth <>
UK - 21 September 2012 at 23:01:09
Banks, Barnicott, Barrett, Bolton, Brennan, Canon, Carter, Cartwright, Cawley, Coughtrey, Davis, Farrugia, Gibbs, Gryg, Guillfoyle, Hoban, Houghton, Hughes, McDermott Madden, Miles, Mittelstead, Montgomery, Negus,O'Donovan, Priest, Scott, Shorthall, Starmer, Sweeney Wall & Want
I heard this twice a day for 5years...How could I possibly forget it...Joined Sept 67-74 with forms being
1O 2W 3H 4T/4R 5Y L6III U6II
Ged Starmer left circa 1971 and Mike McCourt joined in 1970
John Mittelstead <>
Luzern, Canton Luzern Switzerland - 10 September 2012 at 03:20:35
John Mittelstead <>
LUZERN, SWITZERLAND - 09 September 2012 at 23:59:24
mark "bob" roberts and tony donelly were responsible for the fire. I supplied the match
Billyb <>
manchester, lancs UK - 10 August 2012 at 18:57:31
UK - 17 July 2012 at 22:58:39
Aaah, vegetables on the rugby pitch. So many memories. I wonder what became of them all? Yes, I was one. I gave rugby up though and for a long time have really just a runner been.
Willie Muir said my use of English could be quite inventive but puerile humour was a major shortcoming. Nice bloke, good teacher and really quite perceptive!
S Prout <>
UK - 06 July 2012 at 21:18:04
Hi to all you old boys of St. Augustine's. Although I joined the school in 1978 as a third former of St John Plessington, I too have fond memories of this school, though it is true to be said that some memories were not so good. It is always a great pity when should establishments change and then eventually are closed and knocked down. Houses, an extention to the park and vegetables grow on the rugby pitch lol. Good luck to you all.
Derek Scott <>
Manchester, Lancs UK - 18 June 2012 at 13:15:50
Hi to those of 1974. Stumbled across the website again after a couple of years & good to see it's still going. Joey, Mr Holland must be getting on a bit now, eh?
Noel Burke <>
UK - 31 May 2012 at 20:15:27
Just noticed my email is out of date. This is the new one
John Morgan-Evans <>
UK - 31 March 2012 at 22:34:57
The mention of Paul Power brought back a few mwmories.....he was always a city fan,and City wanted him for training when he was 14,but Spike wouldnt let him go for training there because it would "interfere with his studies"....Paul was always a cracking player,capt of the school team ,as i recall we won the Catholic Cup several years on the trot.....other cracking players on that initial team were,Caffrey,Lynch,Kelly,Coppock,Quick, me lads)
Paul Power ,if i remember correctly also was table tennis champion when a tournament was held,also played on the basketball team,a good all rounder and a decent lad..the fact he was/is a City fan can be excused.I havent seen him in person since school,but remember him as a sound lad.
paddy freney <>
Manchester , UK - 01 March 2012 at 08:06:56
Funny stuff on here, some great guys from that school, the names you can't put faces to any more.
Got to be honest, I remember the whole thing (4 years for me)as a bit of a laugh. Sure, the corporal punishment sounds incredible now, particularly when you consider the pettyness of the "crimes",(I got it first day from Henry Rigby for talking in assembly) but it was just the way it was then. I've told stories about it to my kids and they're incredulous. It was just part of the game as I recall. I don't remember any of the teachers being particularly vicious, (and anyone that remembers me will recall I was always in the cack), but having spent most of my working life in various Ships and Submarines, I'd say Spike was just a typical ex-Officer from a certain time. Put that together with the Catholicism and the penchant it has always had for guilt and shame, and you realise he was probably only ever doing what he thought best. It's funny how much of this site is devoted to those funny hard leather strop things and the docket system though eh? Did Frank Bough go to our school? He'd have loved it.
I most remember St Augustine's being the place I first got into music, it was all we talked about; swapping albums, making tapes, going to gigs at the Apollo or the Free Trade Hall. I like very little now of what I listened to then, but I've been consuming and devouring music ever since; would that have happened at another school? Of course, but I wouldn't have been able to say I spent my formative musical years listening to allsorts with members of the Smiths now would I? I remember Adrian Jesset telling a group of us once that modern popular music had not changed since the Beatles, something to which we all took exception as we extolled the virtues of Thin Lizzy, The Jam, Bruce Springsteen, Led Zeppellin etc. Actually now thirty five years on, he was about right I'd say, it's all a variation on their theme I guess.
I left the school in 1979, and then went to Sale Grammar briefly before I was uprooted back to London and another Catholic Boys Grammar school. I always had a laugh and it always got me into trouble, but I never liked anywhere as much as Augustine's. Those of you that hated it I'm sorry, it shouldn't be like that, you shouldn't be scarred but I'm still glad my experience was better...Beans (as I was once known)
Justin Hines <>
Portsmouth, Hampshire UK - 22 February 2012 at 17:44:17
to paraphrase that scene in Spartacus
"I was the fire starter"
John <>
UK - 25 January 2012 at 16:34:27
You're about the 3rd person to take credit for the fire!!
Barney Booth <>
UK - 21 January 2012 at 23:57:34
I promise the fire was an accident ;-)
Mark Roberts <>
Hawkes Bay NZ - 20 January 2012 at 18:00:44
If the school was still open for business none of my kids would be going there !
john barry <>
Stockport, manchester UK - 14 December 2011 at 17:32:48
I came across the site looking for something else. Good to see the School Photo, which brought back memories. I'm on the 4th Row and the '67 home page. When is the next School Re-union, it would be good to meet up with former friends.
Lawrence Coughtrey <>
Manchester, UK - 09 December 2011 at 14:41:53
Captain's Log 6570. We are totally lost in the darkest corner of space. I haven't a clue what planet we are on. Hang on a minute. Who's that coming towards us through the mist? Why it's Chris Blaydon. I'll ask him!
D Niall <>
UK - 30 October 2011 at 08:15:44
Class of 74 Anyone remember slimey rat and the lecterns' first( and only) single 'I'll start the ball rolling with 50p?'
Currently teaching History... I know Mr Holland!.... Still see doc, gunter, lavin and smithy(75)
joey Naughton <>
UK - 12 September 2011 at 00:05:04
Met City star Paul Power at a soccer game in Manhattan yesterday. We chatted about St Augustines (he was a few years before me). There we were in 90 degree heat in the USA, not one question about soccer, just chatting about St Augustines. He almost choked when Gobbo's name came up.
Andrew Murphy <>
Hoboken, NJ USA - 25 July 2011 at 17:41:05
Hi to the class of 76. Mixed feelings coming across this site;I think me and Fannon were the most whipped of that intake, (sorry to hear he's dead), I once got six times six in one day from 6 different teachers; did they sincerely believe they were putting us on the path to righteousness? There were some sadistic gits, Moore, Jesset,Sweeney to name but a few however I retain good memories of Mr Thorpe, 'Gobbo', who erred on the side of justice. I remember feeling sorry for some of the teachers when we went comprehensive and it all went pear-shaped including us. Some good laughs though, doesn't any body remember the 'I think I'm a nice man speech' by Matthews in assembly? What an uproar!
Anyway sincere apologies to anybody I was a twat to, especially Keiran Redman, and I hope you're all keeping as well as possible on this fucked up planet.
Francis JAMES <>
Burgundy France - 22 July 2011 at 09:11:18
I think Inky has posted on the wrong board. Should've gone to Greyfriars. In fact his mistakefulness is most terrific!
H.H. Rumph. <>
UK - 24 June 2011 at 14:18:40
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teextCisk <teextCisk>
Rajkot, India India - 22 June 2011 at 06:49:35
OMG...This brings the memories flooding back like a 70's retro tsunami.....Not all good ...the strap..the cross country runs in driving rain (where was risk assessment when you needed it)...the fire...Oh yes and the letters to spike having to rewrite mine twice in 2J because i used the wrong coloured ink in my compulsory fountain pen....All in all an experience i wouldnt wish on my kids but wouldnt change for the world ...its made me what i am today... a dysfunctional psychotic with a predilection for leather and quink...Bless
jonathan greenhagh <>
blackpool, lancashire UK - 17 March 2011 at 14:57:04
Barris walker played football for Altrincham,and still lives in Wythenshawe I'm led to believe.
Shaun Hopkinson <>
manchester, UK - 22 February 2011 at 12:55:47
The annual contribution to the organ fund will again be £1-00 for each boy, a figure which every family should be able to afford in our shared aspiration to furnish this great school with an organ. This figure of £1-00p has remained constant for a number of years despite the ever increasing inflationary changes. All great schools have an organ and this great school will indeed be one of those that can stand proudly with the pipes resounding and fortifying the many voices of boys and masters in the daily praise of the school and in the musical events of the academic year.
Should any family find this small amount too great a hardship then a note addressed to the Headmaster explaining the circumstances will suffice on this occasion.
UK - 03 January 2011 at 12:35:24
And a (hopefully) Happy New Year from me too!, how much was it for the organ fund.....?
David Ransome <>
Holyhead, Anglesey UK - 01 January 2011 at 17:45:17